Senin, 10 Maret 2014


A street sweeper was doing his job when he came across some money lying on the ground. He decided to use it to buy a surprise present for his little daughter. He bought a jar of honey, rushed home and left it on the table, so that his daughter would find it as soon as she came home from school. But, alas, it was the flies that ate the honey.
            The sweeper was so angry that he went to ask the judge to give orders for the flies to be arrested and condemned to death.
“You are absolutely right,” smiled they judge, “but as you will well understand, we cannot mobilize the army against these rascals. We shall see justice done in another way. Every time you see a fly, strike it down. I authorize you to execute them yourself. Furthermore, I demand personally that you do not allow even a single one of these thieving flies to escape.”
“Yes, your honor. You can count on me,” the sweeper assured him.
            At that very moment, a fly decided to settle on the judge’s head and the sweeper did not hesitate: he raised his brush and brought it crashing down on the judge’s head. The guards were about to arrest him, when the judge recovered and intervened. “Leave him be,” he ordered, “he has taught me not to say foolish things to simpletons.”


Felt Flower Bouquet

  1. Felt fabric (different colors, since it is a bouquet you are making) 
  2. Scissors 
  3. Green wire for stems and leaves 
  4. Needle and thread or fabric glue
  5.  Decorative buttons or beads 

  1. You can trace flower petal shapes of different sizes and shapes on the felt and cut it accordingly. Remember to keep the size of petals between 1 to 5 inches. At least 6 petals of uniform size for each flower must be cut. The petals can be sewn or glued at the center. You can make different designs by using different colored petals in the same flower or changing the shape of petals for each flower. 
  2.  You can sew the button or bead at the center of each flower. Cut two small holes next to each other in the center, on the back side of the flower, just big enough for the wire to fit in. Once your flower is ready, push one end of the green wire through one hole and take it out of the other. Twist the two ends together to form the stem. You can also secure leaves in these stems while twisting. Green felt paper can be used to make the foliage. 
  3.  Your felt flower bouquet is ready to be placed in a lovely vase without the worry of the flowers wilting and dying off!


                         Henry Ford was a famous American engineer and car manufacturer. He was born on a farm in Dearborn in Michigan in 1863.
                         He was the first man to mass produce cars at a price which people could afford. Although at first he made automobiles that only rich people could afford, he wanted to build a car that was cheap enough for most families to own and in 1903 he succeeded.
                         Ford was very interested in horseless carriages. He decided to build one himself. He began to experiment with engines until his first car was made in 1893. Night after night he would work on it like a madman. At last in 1896 the vehicle was ready for a trial run. He then ran it round the block. It went well. Finally, in 1903, the Ford Motor Company was founded.
                         The thing that made his company famous was his mass production line. Instead of having each person build the entire motor car, he had one person doing their own small job. Because this saved a lot of time and money, Ford could offer more cars to the American public at a lower price than anyone before him.

Minggu, 09 Maret 2014


Niigata, January 4, 2010
                         Dear Ketut, How are you back there in your beautiful country-in Bali right? Miss you so much in this ski resort. I don’t have anyone to be my racing partner... True, there are many people here, but we cannot compete people from countries with no winter and people from Niigata right. So An Indonesian vs. A Pilipino, it was fair enough, wasn’t it?
                        And this afternoon I had an unforgettable experience. I was cycling with my new roommate around the country lane when we saw some children playing on a frozen pond.
                        Suddenly we heard a shout. One boy had fallen through the ice. We immediately rushed over to help, but it was too dangerous to walk across the ice. My friend and I ran to borrow a ladder. I put the ladder on the ice and crawled across it towards the boy. I caught hold of his hand and finally manage to pull him out of the icy water. Luckily the boy wasn’t hurt, but he was very frightened.
                        His parents turned up about ten minutes later. When they saw him, they were shocked and very angry with him! I felt a bit sorry for the boy. He had certainly learnt a lesson – the hard way. Sincerely, Gene


To: All Students of “Indonesia Hebat” Junior High School
                      Don’t miss the School Carnival, Thursday 8th , 2013, from 5 p.m. until 9 p.m. at “Indonesia Hebat” Junior High School, 10 Kartini Road.
                      There will be food vendors selling chicken satay, hot dogs, hamburgers, beverages and more. The various games will include blowing the balloons, marble on spoon walks, face-painting, inflatable bouncers, raffles, and songs to name just some of the exciting activities being planned.
                      Come join us for an enjoyable evening, and help support the school. Volunteers to work at the carnival or work at carnival vendors are always welcome. If you have any questions about this program, please contact the carnival coordinator.