Selasa, 20 November 2012
Minggu, 21 Oktober 2012
JIKA NILAI KURANG DARI 75 ADA: (tugas boleh dikumpul langsung/lewat email)
1 tugas hal 46 (H) text 1 dan 2 diterjemahkan
2 tugas seperti diatas dan hal 47 (I) teks diterjemahkan
3 tugas seperti diatas dan hal 47 (I) question A dan B dikerjakan
4 tugas seperti diatas dan hal 50 (Q) tabel 1 dan 2
5 tugas seperti diatas dan hal 59 (H) dan diberi arti untuk setiap imperatives
6 tugas seperti diatas dan buat masing-masing imperative ke dalam sebuah kalimat
7 tugas seperti diatas dan hal 62 (M) diberi arti masing-masing nomor
8 tugas seperti diatas dan hal 140 (G) ditulis soal dan di garis bawahi jawabannya
9 tugas seperti diatas dan menuliskan tips untuk memadamkan api saat kompor minyak akan terbakar( 4 tips saja)
10 tugas seperti diatas dan tuliskan kiat-kiat kamu dalam menghadapi Ujian Nasional dalam bahasa Inggris
11 tugas seperti diatas dan tulis cita-citamu setelah lulus SMP
1 tugas hal 46 (H) text 1 dan 2 diterjemahkan
2 tugas seperti diatas dan hal 47 (I) teks diterjemahkan
3 tugas seperti diatas dan hal 47 (I) question A dan B dikerjakan
4 tugas seperti diatas dan hal 50 (Q) tabel 1 dan 2
5 tugas seperti diatas dan hal 59 (H) dan diberi arti untuk setiap imperatives
6 tugas seperti diatas dan buat masing-masing imperative ke dalam sebuah kalimat
7 tugas seperti diatas dan hal 62 (M) diberi arti masing-masing nomor
8 tugas seperti diatas dan hal 140 (G) ditulis soal dan di garis bawahi jawabannya
9 tugas seperti diatas dan menuliskan tips untuk memadamkan api saat kompor minyak akan terbakar( 4 tips saja)
10 tugas seperti diatas dan tuliskan kiat-kiat kamu dalam menghadapi Ujian Nasional dalam bahasa Inggris
11 tugas seperti diatas dan tulis cita-citamu setelah lulus SMP
Selasa, 16 Oktober 2012
Minggu, 23 September 2012
the sentence with another, the other, or other!
1. The knight had to ride on his
horse _______ six miles to get there.
There are many apples in the basket. I am going to
take one and you can take _____one.
3. I have three similar T-shirts in
different colors. One is red and ______ ones are black and blue.
this sentence into the form of not only … but also and both … and.
1. Ayu subscribes a magazine. Ayu
subscribes a newspaper.
Ayu subscribes not only … .
Ayu subscribes both … .
is clever. Arka is kind.
can play piano. Dewi can play guitar.
the question tag of these sentences!
1. The victims of Tsunami wave are
very large, ______________ ?
doesn’t give us bad impact, ________________?
and Raka went to London last week, ______________?
4. Granny can not stand well without
crutch, _______________?
the sentence with too many or too much.
1. Mother pour ______ water in the
bring ______ pens for test.
3. Siska and Rahma do not need ____
flour in their cake.
the sequence adverb in front of steps.
(first, second, third, fourth,
then, next, after that, finally)
____ , clean the shrimps, remove the heads, and keep
the tails
____ , clean the garlic, and slice it thinly and
then sprinkle over the shrimps.
____ , after that, make a mix of the flour and egg,
with enough water, salt, and pepper.
____ , heat oil on a pan.
_____ , then, one by one, put the shrimps into the
pan by first dipping it in the mix above. Fry the shrimps until golden.
_____ , finally put the shrimps on a plate and pour
tomato sauce over them..
_____ , to make the tomato sauce, heat the tomato
sauce, and add the sugar and lime juice in it.
, sweet and sour shrimps are ready to serve.
these questions in a short way!
Gorillas are the largest of all the primates. A male
gorilla can be 180 centimeters tall and can weigh 200 kilograms. Gorillas are
very strong but they do not often fight. In fact they are peaceful animals.
Gorillas live in small family groups of about 15. In
a group there is one strong, older male, some young males, and a few females
with their babies. They move slowly around a large area of jungle eating leaves
and bushes.
In some ways gorillas are very like humans. When
they are happy, they laugh and wave their arms. When they are angry, they beat
their chests. When they are sad, they cry. But they cry quietly, without any
people hunt and kill gorillas. They also cut down and burn their trees. There
are now only about 10,000 gorillas left in the world.
1. Gorillas can be ______ tall.
2. Their weigh can ______ kilograms.
3. Do gorillas like fighting?
4. They live in _______________
5. Do gorillas usually live alone?
6. Gorillas eat ______________
7. There are _______ gorillas left in
the world now.
8. There are not many left gorillas now because ____
Kamis, 20 September 2012
Jumat, 31 Agustus 2012
Selasa, 14 Agustus 2012
Senin, 30 Juli 2012
We use one/ones to replace the objects/things. It means you do not need to write again the repetition objects. There are
JOKE????? not JOCKEY?????
If there is a joke, there is hope in it.
Through a joke we can express our hope in a smooth way. Through a joke we can criticize one in a gentle way.
Through a joke we can express our hope in a smooth way. Through a joke we can criticize one in a gentle way.
Senin, 16 Juli 2012
Before starting do anything, make sure what you will do is right for your life. To get the things done/success like you are expected please did these 4 steps. (1). state your WILL (niat) (2). and EXPECTATION (harapan). (3). do EVALUATION (evaluasi) in order to (4). decide what will you DO (yang harus dikerjakan).
SUCCESS is not to be born, but SUCCESS is to created.
SUCCESS is not a destiny, but SUCCESS is an effort.
SUCCESS is not to be born, but SUCCESS is to created.
SUCCESS is not a destiny, but SUCCESS is an effort.
Minggu, 24 Juni 2012
Selasa, 03 April 2012
1. Direct Speech Shinta said," I will go to Bali next week."
Indirect Speech Shinta said that she would go to Bali next week.
2. Direct Speech Bagus said, " I am going to study tour to Lombok."
Indirect Speech Bagus said that he was going to study tour to Lombok.
a. Direct Speech menggunakan tanda baca "" untuk memisahkan ungkapan.
b. Indirect Speech menggunakan that sebagai penghubung kalimat berikutnya.
I. ...said Subject + modal + Verb 1 ...that Subject + modal past + Verb 1
can could
will would
shall should
may might
must must
II. ...said Subject + to be + Verb ing + to Verb1 ...that Subject + to be past + Verb ing + to Verb 1
is, am, are was, were
1. Direct Speech Shinta said," I will go to Bali next week."
Indirect Speech Shinta said that she would go to Bali next week.
2. Direct Speech Bagus said, " I am going to study tour to Lombok."
Indirect Speech Bagus said that he was going to study tour to Lombok.
a. Direct Speech menggunakan tanda baca "" untuk memisahkan ungkapan.
b. Indirect Speech menggunakan that sebagai penghubung kalimat berikutnya.
I. ...said Subject + modal + Verb 1 ...that Subject + modal past + Verb 1
can could
will would
shall should
may might
must must
II. ...said Subject + to be + Verb ing + to Verb1 ...that Subject + to be past + Verb ing + to Verb 1
is, am, are was, were
Rabu, 28 Maret 2012
Pembahasan soal latihan Adverb of Frequency
1. Mother sometimes cooks a various soup.
2. We always learn English.
3. Mathematic is sometimes difficult.
4. Mr. Suha is usually interesting in travelling.
5. Most of the students seldom join the English club.
6. My parents are always excited to see my reherseal.
7. The children rarely work their school assignment together.
8. Melvin and friends usually study their script play every Wednesday.
9. Father never washes his car by himself.
10. My teacher never comes late.
2. We always learn English.
3. Mathematic is sometimes difficult.
4. Mr. Suha is usually interesting in travelling.
5. Most of the students seldom join the English club.
6. My parents are always excited to see my reherseal.
7. The children rarely work their school assignment together.
8. Melvin and friends usually study their script play every Wednesday.
9. Father never washes his car by himself.
10. My teacher never comes late.
Selasa, 27 Maret 2012
a. Europe knows 4 seasons:
1. summer ( musim panas )
2. winter ( musim dingin )
3. autumn ( musim gugur )
4. spring ( musim semi )
b. Indonesia knows 2 seasons:
1. dry season ( musim kemarau )
2. wet season ( musim hujan )
- sunny : cerah
- cloudy : berawan
- stormy : angin kencang/badai
- rainy : hujan
- windy : angin
- chill : dingin
- warm : hangat
a. Europe knows 4 seasons:
1. summer ( musim panas )
2. winter ( musim dingin )
3. autumn ( musim gugur )
4. spring ( musim semi )
b. Indonesia knows 2 seasons:
1. dry season ( musim kemarau )
2. wet season ( musim hujan )
- sunny : cerah
- cloudy : berawan
- stormy : angin kencang/badai
- rainy : hujan
- windy : angin
- chill : dingin
- warm : hangat
Jumat, 16 Maret 2012
Adverb of Frequency
Put the frequency in the right place.
1. Mother cooks a various soup . ( sometimes )
2. We learn English. ( always )
3. Mathematic is difficult. ( sometimes )
4. Mr. Suha is interesting in travelling. ( usually )
5. Most of the students join the English club. ( seldom )
6. My parents are very excited to see my reherseal. (always )
7. The children work their school assignments together. ( rarely )
8. Melvin and friends study their script play every Wednesday. ( usually )
9. Father washes his car by himself. ( never )
10. My teacher comes late. ( never )
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